Camp Australia

Terms & Conditions

Updated: 28/03/2022

General Information

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully. By using the Camp Australia Outside School Hours Care Service, Before and After School Care, Vacation Care or Pupil Free Days (referred to as the “Service/s”) you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

If you do not understand, or do not accept, any or all of the terms or conditions, please contact Customer Care on 1300 105 343 or They are available from 5am-9pm AEDT, seven days a week – Closed on National Public Holidays.

References in these Terms and Conditions to ‘Camp Australia’, ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘they’, ‘our’ or ‘them’ means Camp Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 96 060 703 120) and its related bodies corporate and for Services operated by The Camp Australia Foundation Ltd (ABN 18 153 730 940) means The Camp Australia Foundation Ltd. References to ‘I’, ‘my’ and ‘you’ are to the parent or legal guardian of the child who completed the registration form for the Service/s.

The specific session fees for the Service/s are set out in the Fees and Times Information for the Service/s and are also listed on the school’s page that can be viewed from You can also check all ancillary fees and charges that may apply to our Service/s at clauses 10, 23, 27, 28, 45 and 60 of these Terms and Conditions.

Terms and Conditions

This section (General Terms and Conditions of Attendance at All Camp Australia Services) applies to all Services.

  1. I confirm that I have requested Camp Australia to enrol the registered child (“the child”) for the Service/s as stated in the registration form.
  2. I confirm that I am the parent/legal guardian of the child, and all information supplied is accurate and complete, and will be updated when needed.
  3. I authorise Camp Australia staff to obtain all necessary medical assistance and treatment for my child (including ambulance transportation) when needed and agree to pay the expenses for such medical assistance and treatment.
  4. I give permission for the child to participate in all enrolled program activities. I acknowledge that activities may include watching G rated videos/movies.
  5. I confirm that I have supplied Camp Australia all the details for any existing court or parenting orders, health or medical condition and/or medication for the child, specific dietary requirements and I will update that information immediately upon any change of these circumstances.
  6. We recommend that children with additional needs be booked into a Service/s more than two weeks in advance to ensure required staff training, additional staffing or funding can be arranged. Children with additional needs not booked within the required notice period may not be able to use the nominated Service/s. I acknowledge that I will use all reasonable endeavours to provide at least two weeks’ notice of any additional needs associated with my booking. I acknowledge that bookings made within a shorter timeframe than this may not be able to be accommodated.
  7. I authorise Camp Australia staff to take appropriate photographs/videos of the child engaging with the Service/s, which may be used for:
  • producing marketing material for Camp Australia, the Service/s and for the school community;
  • the Camp Australia education and care program materials;
  • sharing experiences with parents and guardians through the online parent portal;
  • reflection journal;
  • internal school communications;
  • school newsletters;
  • Camp Australia website content; and
  • external service marketing purposes.
  1. I understand that photographs/videos will not be used for biometric matching or identification. Camp Australia will not identify the child’s name (or other details) in its use of any photographs/videos at any time. I will notify Camp Australia if I do not authorise them to take suitable photographs/videos of the child.
  2. I acknowledge that the child will not attend the Service/s if unwell, or suffering from a notifiable infectious or communicable disease as identified by the responsible health department in my State or Territory. If required by Camp Australia, I will provide a health certificate confirming that the child is not suffering from an infection or communicable disease. I acknowledge that if I’m contacted by the Service to collect my sick child, I should come as soon as possible.
  3. I agree that my child will be signed in/out (as the case may be) on the appropriate documentation or Service tablet, by myself or an authorised person, on arrival and departure each day the child attends. I understand that a late pick up charge of $15.00 (including GST) per 15 minutes or part thereof, applies when the child is collected after a Service’s advertised finishing time.
  4. I acknowledge that I must notify Camp Australia if the child will be absent for any booked session for a Service. If a child does not arrive at a Service for which it is booked, the Service will follow set procedures and protocols including, where appropriate to contact the police after 30 minutes of a child not attending the Service. I acknowledge that cancellations must be made within the time frames outlined in my booking. I understand that full fees (less any applicable Child Care Subsidy) may apply for late cancellations and no-shows.
  5. I acknowledge and agree that subject to law, Camp Australia is not liable for personal injury, property damage or loss sustained by any child as a result of his or her participation at the Service/s (except in the case where such liability is a direct consequence of a negligent act or omission of Camp Australia and its staff).
  6. I authorise Camp Australia staff to apply sunscreen to my child, and to give medications to my child as outlined in any written directions that I provide.
  7. I understand that Camp Australia has policies for standards of behaviour. If the child does not meet those standards or otherwise demonstrates inappropriate behaviour, Camp Australia has the right to suspend the child’s enrolment for a specified period or exclude the child permanently from the Service/s. If the Service contacts me to collect my child as a result of their behaviour, I will come immediately to the Service. Camp Australia will notify me of any behaviour that does not comply, and where appropriate provide warnings before any suspension or exclusion form the Service/s. I acknowledge that if the child is subject to exclusion from the Service/s, Camp Australia may disclose the child’s name and reasons for the exclusion to persons in control of the school at which the Service/s operates.
  8. I agree that I must pay to Camp Australia on demand reasonable costs equal to any loss, damage cost or expense of Camp Australia in connection with any damage or injury caused by my child at or in relation to a Service (including at an external activity).
  9. Camp Australia is entitled to assume that I am the user of the Parent Portal if my username, password or other security-based information is used to access the Parent Portal. I acknowledge that I am solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of my username, password and other security-based information at all times, and I will remain responsible for all use of my username and password, and all activity emanating from my account, whether or not such activity was authorised by me.
  10. If my username or password is lost or stolen, or if I believe that my account has been accessed by unauthorised third parties, I undertake to notify Camp Australia in writing, and agree to change my password as soon as reasonably practicable.
  11. All Camp Australia policies are available on site by request. I understand that if I want to access a copy, I need to request these from the coordinator at this Service.
  12. I understand that I won’t be able to book my child into care if the Service/s has already reached its licensed capacity for that session. I understand that I may be unable to book my child into care if Camp Australia is unable to fill the growing roster to maintain the educator to child ratio for that session.
  13. If my child requires on-the-day care, I understand that they will only be accepted into care if:
  • the licensed capacity or Educator to Child Ratio at the Service is met;
  • my child is registered with Camp Australia; and
  • I have given written permission or any relevant documentation for my child to attend the Service/s or called Customer Care to let them know.
  • In the instance one of these three conditions can’t be met, I understand that my child may need to remain in my care or in the care of the school.
  1. A ‘walk in’ is when the child arrives at a Service/s which has not been booked. Casual fee rates apply for all walk-ins. I understand that a Service will only accept walk-ins into care if:
  • the licensed capacity or Educator to Child Ratio at the Service is met;
  • my child is registered with Camp Australia; and
  1. I have given written permission or any relevant documentation for my child to attend the Service or called Customer Care to let them know.
  2. I understand that Camp Australia will calculate Service charges in two week blocks. Camp Australia will provide statements which set out the fees charged for each two week block. Camp Australia will issue a statement for Service/s after the end of each two week block, with payment to be made the following week (the payment due date will be shown in the statement).
  3. I acknowledge that Camp Australia invoices must be paid by the payment due date shown in the statement via Direct Debit from a Bank Account or Credit Card. I understand that an Overdue Account Fee of $20.00 (including GST) will be applied for each billing period my account remains unpaid. I understand that if my Direct Debit fails or is rejected, I will be charged a Failed Transaction Fee of $20.00 (including GST). I understand that these fees and charges are applied to cover Camp Australia’s administration costs. I understand that if for any reasons, the amount to be paid on the Direct Debit date is different to the amount appearing on my statement, Camp Australia will issue an updated statement to me via email prior to the Direct Debit date. This updated amount is what must be paid by the payment due date via Direct Debit.
  4. In the event that an amount remains outstanding beyond the due date for any reason, including due to the Direct Debit failing due to insufficient funds being in the nominated account on the due date, I acknowledge that Camp Australia may pursue debt recovery action in any relevant forum in my jurisdiction, including by providing my details to debt recovery agents to recover the debt.
  5. I acknowledge that all information that I have provided to Centrelink for child care assistance is accurate and complete and is the same information that I have provided to Camp Australia. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to check my eligibility for any child care assistance and communicate with Centrelink and that Camp Australia is not responsible for the provision or otherwise of child care assistance. I acknowledge that child care assistance may not always be provided by Centrelink.
  6. I acknowledge that if any information provided to Centrelink is incomplete or inaccurate in any way, then the child care assistance may not be applied to my statement, and the full amount of the fees must be paid until the required information is provided to Centrelink.
  7. I understand that Camp Australia may charge an Enrolment Fee per annum pro rata upon second usage of a Service. For example, if the Enrolment Fee at my Service is $25.00 (including GST) per annum, if my second usage is in Term 1 or Term 2 the Enrolment Fee will be $25.00 (including GST), if my second usage is in Term 3 the Enrolment Fee will be $15.00 (including GST) and if my second usage is in Term 4 the enrolment fee will be $10.00 (including GST). My enrolment will expire on 31 December each calendar year and the Enrolment Fee will again become due and payable upon second usage in the new calendar year.
  8. I understand that if I request my statements to be mailed to me, a charge of $2.00 (including GST) (for printing and postal charges) per statement issued pursuant to clause 22 will apply.
  9. I acknowledge that Camp Australia may require fees payable in accordance with these Terms and Conditions to be paid to a specified related body corporate responsible for collecting fees, being CAIP Pty Limited.
  10. I understand that my booking type, being Casual or Recurring, (“Booking Type”) will determine the booking conditions (flexibility and cancellation periods) that apply and the different session fees. Bookings made outside the terms of the Recurring Booking Schedule will be charged at the (higher) Casual booking rate for single bookings.
  11. I understand that the specific session fees for the Service/s are set out in the Fees and Times Information available on the website for each school that can be found at
  12. I understand that Camp Australia will charge an increased fee for extended session times of Before School Care (school late start) or After School Care (school early finish). These fees are dependent on the Service/s used and will be applicable in addition to my existing Before and/or After School Care booking (less any applicable Child Care Subsidy).
  13. I acknowledge that all payments made by credit or debit card will incur a surcharge as set out in the direct debit terms and parent portal, which may vary from time to time.
  14. A ‘no-show’ is when the child is absent from the Service/s they were booked in to attend with no notice. Full session fees (less any applicable Child Care Subsidy) apply for no-shows in line with the cancellation requirements for your Booking Type (see clauses 46, 52, 57 and 61).
  15. I agree that a booking will be made once I make it myself on the Parent Portal or by a Customer Care Representative upon my request, or upon the request of an authorised third party with required documentation.
  16. I agree that an existing booking will be successfully cancelled only when I cancel it on the Parent Portal or when a Customer Care Representative cancels it upon my request. I will receive a confirmation email or SMS depending on my preferred method of contact.
  17. I agree to pay all charges for all bookings made for the child (unless cancelled with the required notice for the Booking Type – see clauses 46, 52, 57 and 61; or unless the policy in clause 41 applies).
  18. I understand that if my account is not paid in full by the due date for payment, Camp Australia may suspend the child’s enrolment in the Service/s until payment is made. Seven days prior notice of any proposed suspension of the Service/s will be provided.
  19. Camp Australia reserves the right to vary these Terms and Conditions (including all fees and charges) and will notify all account holders of any variations at least 14 days prior to the variation. Variations will be effective from the date set out in the notification. You may cancel your account without penalty if you do not accept any material amendment to the Terms and Conditions (including any changes to fees and charges). Cancellation will be effective from the date that you notify us, but all outstanding fees incurred up to the date of cancellation remain payable.
  20. I acknowledge that for Camp Australia to provide the Service/s, it is necessary for me to provide personal information, including personal information of the child. Camp Australia takes privacy seriously. We will at all times collect, store, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the Australian Privacy Principles and our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy can be found at
  21. Camp Australia operates a standing policy, for all Booking Types, whereby there is no session fee charged for a sick child when a booking is cancelled outside the agreed timeframe for cancellations. This policy only applies when a doctor’s accredited medical certificate is provided to us (you can call Customer Care for information on how to submit the certificate or submit the certificate through the Camp Australia Parent Portal, within 28 days/or on that same day or at the time of cancellation, the session fee will be waived.
Terms and Conditions Specific to Vacation Care
  1. All terms and conditions set out in the “General Terms and Conditions of Attendance at All Camp Australia Services” apply in addition to the specific terms and conditions set out in this section (Terms and Conditions Specific to Vacation Care).
  2. I understand that there needs to be a minimum number of children to run each session of Vacation Care. In the event a Service is cancelled, Camp Australia will notify me by phone and/or via email a minimum of two days prior. I will not be charged for the cancelled Service/s unless I accept an alternate location to attend the care session at another school. I understand that Camp Australia will not be liable to make any other additional payment to me in this event.
  3. I understand that Services are subject to cancellation or alteration on short notice in the event of unsuitable weather conditions or other factors which may arise that are beyond Camp Australia’s control. In the event a Service is cancelled, Camp Australia will notify me by phone and/or via email as soon as possible should this become known. I will not be charged for the cancelled Service/s. I understand that Camp Australia will not be liable to make any other additional payment to me in this event. In the event an excursion is cancelled for a reason that is beyond Camp Australia’s control, and on-site care can be provided to children, I understand I will just be charged for the price of a club based day.
  4. All bookings should be made at least seven days in advance of the day of the Service. If a booking is made with less than seven days’ notice, the full fee will be charged plus a late booking fee per booking (less any applicable Child Care Subsidy) to cover additional administration related to the last minute movement of children and the on costs involved in managing the impact on all third party suppliers.
  5. Bookings may be cancelled at any time by giving seven days advance notice to Camp Australia. Bookings cancelled with less than seven days’ notice will be charged the full fee (less any applicable Child Care Subsidy). The reason for this is that during Vacation Care programs, Camp Australia is required to pay substantial deposits and guarantees to our third party suppliers and Camp Australia has invested in the resources and staffing to manage these sessions well in advance of seven days.
Terms and Conditions Specific to Recurring Booking Schedules
  1. All terms and conditions set out in the “General Terms and Conditions of Attendance at All Camp Australia Services” apply in addition to the specific terms and conditions set out in sections 47 to 53 (Terms and Conditions Specific to Recurring Booking Schedules).
  2. I understand that the session fee for Recurring Booking Schedules is stipulated in the Fees and Times Information available on the website for each school which can be found at
  3. To make a Recurring Booking Schedule you must make a minimum of two bookings at the same time and no less than 48 hours prior to the start of the first booking (“Minimum Booking Requirement”). The bookings must be made as recurring booked days over 2 or more weeks.
  4. The Minimum Booking Requirement must be met for each child and each care type (Before School Care and After School Care) that is being used. If the child attends more than one school, the minimum number of bookings must be met per school as well.
  5. In the event that the Minimum Booking Requirement is not met when creating a booking schedule, the Casual fee rate (not Recurring Booking Rate) which is a higher rate, will apply to all bookings, as they will be recognised as Casual bookings, not a Recurring Booking Schedule. Casual fees are stipulated in the Fees and Times Information available on the website for each school which can be found at
  6. A Recurring Booking can be cancelled at any time within the minimum notice requirement as set out in the Fees and Times Information available on the relevant Service page. To access these details, visit and search for your school. Bookings cancelled after that notice period will be charged the full fee (less any applicable Child Care Subsidy). Where cancellations cause a child’s booking schedule to fall below the Minimum Booking Requirement for Recurring Bookings (being a minimum of two bookings made at the same time), the cancelled booking will be charged the full fee (less any applicable Child Care Subsidy).
  7. If a booking is cancelled after the notice period and/or the child does not attend the Service/s, the full session fee will be charged (less any applicable Child Care Subsidy).
Terms and Conditions Specific to Casual Bookings
  1. All terms and conditions set out in the “General Terms and Conditions of Attendance at All Camp Australia Services” apply in addition to the specific terms and conditions set out in sections 54 to 57 (Terms and Conditions Specific to Casual Bookings).

  2. I understand that the session fee for Casual bookings is stipulated in the Fees and Times Information available on the website for each school which can be found at

  3. Any booking that does not meet the Minimum Booking Requirements or required notice period for the Recurring Booking Schedule will be classified as a Casual booking.

  4. Casual bookings can be cancelled at any time within the minimum notice requirement as set out in the Fees and Times Information available on the relevant Service page. To access these details, visit and search for your school. If a Casual booking is not cancelled before the notice period and/or the child does not attend the Service/s, the full session fee will be charged (less any applicable Child Care Subsidy).

Terms and Conditions Specific to Pupil Free Day Bookings
  1. All terms and conditions set out in the “General Terms and Conditions of Attendance at All Camp Australia Service/s” apply in addition to the specific terms and conditions set out in sections 58 to 62 (Terms and Conditions Specific to Pupil Free Day Bookings).
  2. I understand that the session fee for Pupil Free Day bookings is stipulated in the Fees and Times Information page of the school website for the Service/s that the child attends which can be found at
  3. Pupil Free D­ay bookings must be made no less than 48 hours prior to the start of the session, otherwise you will be charged an increased rate. If a booking is made with less than two days’ notice, the full fee will be charged plus a late booking fee per booking (less any applicable Child Care Subsidy).
  4. Pupil Free Day bookings can be cancelled at any time by giving seven days prior notice. If a booking is not cancelled with at least seven days’ notice and/or the child does not attend the Service/s, the full session fee will be charged (less any applicable Child Care Subsidy) to cover additional administration related to the last minute movement of children.