Our COVID Safe Plan & Actions
At Camp Australia, we take the health and safety of your children very seriously. Every state and territory has different guidelines, so we tailor our approach to ensure that the needs of every community are met. We have developed a robust COVID safe plan, ensuring that every one of our services is following best practice.

Hygiene Matters
Our Hygiene and Infection Control policy exists to provide a safe and healthy environment for the wellbeing of children and educators. We provide hand sanitiser for our educators to practice hand hygiene. This is in addition to our detailed handwashing policy, which includes role modelling it for children to observe. Our surface hygiene has been reinforced and includes the sanitisation of all benches, resources, and other high-use areas before, during and after the service. Additionally, the service tablet is now limited to only one educator in service to mitigate the spread of any possible bacteria.

Embrace the outdoors
Where possible, we encourage our educators to include as many sun-safe outdoor activities as possible, reducing the time spent indoors. It’s great for mitigating the spread of COVID and children love it.

Ventilation in the OSHC room
All services aim to provide as much ventilation as possible into the OSHC room, including increasing fresh airflow by ensuring external doors and windows remain open, wherever possible and safe, taking breaks outdoors, avoid the direction of fans towards children’s faces and disabling ventilation controls that reduce air supply. This is an important strategy in reducing the risk of aerosol transmission.

Protecting ourselves and our communities
Camp Australia’s team members are all fully compliant with all state laws and regulations regarding COVID vaccinations. We are committed to keeping your children, ourselves and our communities safe.