Getting back to school is a fun and exciting time for your child to catch up with their favourite friends and teachers after school holidays. It’s also a great way for parents to settle into the routine of their children being back at school.
But after an extended break, are you prepared for the back to school transition of school drop-offs and pickups, early mornings and packed lunch routine? Help both your children and yourself with this back to school checklist for Australian children and parents.
How to Prepare for a Smooth Transition Back to School
Getting into the back to school headspace comes with being prepared. To help your child get back to school easily, we’ve prepared some back to school checklists for kids to make the transition as seamless as possible.
School Supplies and Essentials
Making sure your child is equipped with the right school supplies helps with getting them out of holiday mode and into school readiness. Start with must-have school supplies for every grade level including notebooks, pencils and crayons for younger students, and items like calculators and binders for older students.
Be sure to organise school supplies for easy access to help with morning transitions to school. An organised set-up at home can help things run smoothly during the morning prep for school, especially after a long holiday break. Have a dedicated zone in your child’s bedroom or somewhere in the house where all their school supplies, including books and backpacks, can be stored. The key is to establish a routine where everything is in its right place for a smooth transition back to school.
Clothing and Uniforms
Having the right clothing or uniforms ready for school can help your child feel comfortable and in step with their peers. Check your school’s dress code and buy clothing that’s within the specified guidelines. Focus on comfortable clothing that is easy to wash and dry.
School clothes and uniforms can quickly add to the family budget, so avoid doubling up on items. Pre-loved school clothes are a great option, especially when children are young and often outgrow their clothing quickly! Check with your school first, as they often have slightly used uniforms at reduced prices. Another option is to check social media sites such as Marketplace where parents often list school clothing in your area at very reasonable prices.
Setting Up a Productive Study Space
Setting up a dedicated study space is always a great option for students to stay on top of their homework. Choose a spot away from TV’s or gaming areas so your child can avoid distractions while they’re studying.
Some must-have items for focused study include a calendar or whiteboard to help visualise deadlines and make sure supplies including markers, highlighters, pens, etc are always available.
Health and Wellness Preparation
To prevent the impact of illness on your child’s school routine, be sure to include back to school health checkups and vaccinations for your child. Your healthcare provider can help plan out these checkups with you. Another consideration is keeping on top of vision and hearing checkups, as these can impact your child’s focus and ability to perform at school.
Packing nutritious lunches and snacks helps with your child’s overall wellbeing, as well as having the energy and focus for the days ahead. Avoid excessive processed foods and snacks, and opt for fruit and vegetables as much as possible. Healthy snacks like yoghurt or whole-grain crackers are good in helping curb hunger. Prioritise good sleep hygiene and healthy eating for your child to perform their best.
Establishing a Back to School Routine
Creating a back to school routine can make a remarkable difference to your child’s transition from holidays to school mode. Focus on establishing a consistent sleep schedule that includes a wind-down time before sleep. This period should avoid the use of screens, to help ease them into a restful night’s sleep. A school child’s day is full of energy, learning and structure, so getting rejuvenating sleep the evening before is important.
Also, planning morning and after-school routines can help give structure to your child’s school day. Check if your school is partnered with a before and after-school care provider; their services can help augment your child’s school day experience by offering structured activities and homework support.
Technology and Digital Tools
Technology is part of every student’s schooling experience, so digital tools and apps are integral to your child’s education, even from an early age. While in their early primary school years, children focus more on pen and paper type writing aids, as they approach middle school they will undoubtedly be working with laptops, tablets and other technologies.
A student who can use tools to organise and track their homework deliverables and manage their schedules will be at an advantage for later in life. Tools like Google Calendar, Microsoft OneNote and apps such as GoodNotes for tablets can help support your child’s learning and focus throughout their education, so don’t be afraid to incorporate technology into their back to school checklist.
Social and Emotional Readiness
Preparing your child socially and emotionally is another important element of getting them ready for school. Talk with your child about their new school years ahead and what they can look forward to, including learning new things, new friendship groups and new experiences overall.
This is also a good time to address any concerns or areas of anxiety your child may be feeling about going back to school. This is a common concern for parents and students alike, and should be treated with empathy and support.
Keep an open dialogue with your child and help them with strategies such as mindfulness, positive self-talk and visualisation to help them deal with anxiety. If you can see that your child is constantly feeling overwhelmed, additional support from a school counsellor or health professional may be helpful.