Camp Australia

Top 5 Tips for Starting Term 1

It’s almost here. Summer fun and holidays are starting to phase out and the reality of heading back to school is kicking in fast for families. For some, it might be just “another” new year, but for others it would be completely new and a lot of the times, clueless. Don’t panic. You’re not alone […]

How to Deal with School Refusal

With children back at school and Term 1 in full swing, there is one challenge in education that seems to be impacting schools and families. We’re seeing the continuing fallout of COVID, where last year there was a big drop in attendance rates from the impact of the pandemic and lockdowns. School attendance is a […]

eSafety for Parents

Our children are growing up in a world where online experience is unavoidable. Although there are educational and helpful platforms, the concerns around harmful and negative online content are ever growing. Our latest survey has shown 42% of families are concerned about too much unproductive screen time in children (CIS, 2022). Today, eSafety for kids […]

NAPLAN: Tips for Parents to Support Children

It’s that time of the year when school is back for Term 1, and primary school-aged children in Year 3 and 5 (and Year 7 and 9 in high school) across the country are getting ready to sit the annual NAPLAN. It’s a “testing” time for some but it’s the parents that need to do […]

Safer Internet Day: Online Safety Tips

Safer Internet Day (7 February) is a global event that brings together communities, families, schools and organisations from more than 200 countries to help create safer online spaces. This worldwide initiative is celebrating 20 years in 2023, making it a great time to reflect on how far we have come, as well as look forward. […]