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eSafety for Parents

Our children are growing up in a world where online experience is unavoidable. Although there are educational and helpful platforms, the concerns around harmful and negative online content are ever growing. Our latest survey has shown 42% of families are concerned about too much unproductive screen time in children (CIS, 2022). Today, eSafety for kids is becoming more and more important.

Schools are equipped with guidelines and resources to keep children safe online, but what about at home and beyond? That’s why online safety for parents is also important.

It’s vital to protect kids online today and the support and guidance parents provide children will help them to safely navigate their digital world and have the confidence to make the right decisions online.

Here are some practical online safety tips for parents with children aged 5 to 12.

  1. Keep the computer or smart device in an area of your home where you can see and supervise. You don’t want it to become “out of sight, out of mind” with what your children are accessing and viewing.
  2. Set rules for usage time and content (what type of websites they can visit). Even if you have a family video game session, make sure you as a parent stick to the rules as well. It’s limiting how much time they’re allowed to spend on devices, with or without your involvement.
  3. Choose apps and games that are age appropriate. This can be found on the App Store or Google Play, where age ratings and consumer advice are displayed.
  4. Ensure your devices are protected by a password or PIN and set up Parental Controls (or even a separate child profile for certain apps), so they don’t accidentally access content that isn’t for them.
  5. Have an open and engaging line of communication. Let your child understand that there is unsafe and inappropriate content online, and should they ever come across any, they should be able to come to you to talk about it.
  6. Revise the rules as children get older. You know when they grow out of their clothes and it’s time for a new wardrobe. The same goes for their online journey. You need to be conscious of their age and review the rules constantly to ensure they’re safely accessing content that’s age appropriate.

For parents: You can access more information on eSafety through HERE. Ensure you stay up to date with protecting kids online and find more online safety tips for Parents here.

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