Article written by Dr Kaylene Henderson for Camp Australia
This transition to ‘big school’ can feel daunting, and not just for our children.
After all, there’s a whole lot of ‘newness’ that lies ahead – your child will soon be navigating new school buildings, routines, people, rules and learning; and you’ll soon be a school parent juggling, among other things, new routines and a ridiculous number of school emails (trust me on this one).
So what can you do to set the scene for smooth start?
Here are some tips to consider:
• Firstly, remember that it’s normal for children to feel nervous about this big transition. You needn’t take this as a sign that they’re not ready, nor does it help to dismiss how your child is feeling by telling them they should feel excited instead. What your child needs from you in these moments is for you to simply respond with connection and empathy. Try saying something like, “Yeah, I get it. It’s pretty hard to feel confident about school when you haven’t actually started yet. That’s normal. It’ll feel easier once you’re used to being there, but we’re just not there yet, are we. I understand”.
• Encourage your child to practise any skills they’re yet to master. Think broadly about lunch containers that are still a bit tricky to open, or new school shoes that your child might soon need to take on and off without help.
• Familiarise your child with the environment, their teacher, future classmates and the new routine as much as possible. Let them know that they’ll need to raise their hand to ask to go to the toilet; Talk about who to approach if they need help; Reading books about school or role playing any potentially tricky social situations will be helpful too.
• Remember that it will take time for your child to adapt to their ‘new normal’. At my children’s primary school, they celebrated their first 100 days, since by then, the class were all finally feeling more settled. For now, prioritise space in your child’s week for some much needed downtime and rest.
• And finally, a tip for you. Try not to let any anxiety or sadness you might have about this new life stage influence this experience for your child. That might feel hard, so seek support from friends and other loved ones if needed. Oh, and seriously, prepare your email inbox for the onslaught ahead…
You’ve got this.

We are pleased to invite you to join Dr Kaylene Henderson at our free online webinar Tips for Transitioning to Big School on Monday 9 December. Limited places available.
Find out more and register here.
Dr. Kaylene Henderson is one of Australia’s leading parenting experts and a trusted Child Psychiatrist who has dedicated her career to helping all who live, love and work with our 0-12’s. Often praised for the warm and relatable way in which she translates research into practical tips.