Camp Australia

Direct Debit Service Agreement


This document outlines the Direct Debit arrangement between us, Camp Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 96 060 703 120) and its related bodies corporate and for Services operated by The Camp Australia Foundation Ltd (ABN 18 153 730 940), and you for the use of the service/s. 

It also explains your rights and obligations when undertaking a Direct Debit arrangement with us and what our obligations are to you. 

Please keep this Agreement for future reference. It forms part of the Terms and Conditions of using Camp Australia services.  


  • account: The account registered with Camp Australia by you via the online form. 
  • agreement: The Direct Debit Service Agreement (this document) between you and us. 
  • banking day: A day other than a Saturday or Sunday or a public holiday in any jurisdiction in which the account is held. 
  • debit payment: A particular transaction where a direct debit is made in accordance with the billing advice provided to you before the due date.   
  • Direct Debit Request/DDR: The verbal or online request you give us to debit funds from your nominated account. 
  • nominated account: The account held at the financial institution you’ve nominated in your Direct Debit Request, and from which we are authorised to arrange for funds to be debited.  
  • service/s: Outside School Hours Care Service, Before and After School Care, Vacation Care or Pupil Free Days operated by Camp Australia. 
  • we/us/our: Camp Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 96 060 703 120) and its related bodies corporate and for services operated by The Camp Australia Foundation Ltd (ABN 18 153 730 940) means The Camp Australia Foundation Ltd. 
  • you: The nominated account holder/s who have authorised the Direct Debit arrangement.  

Your obligations 

  • It is your responsibility to ensure there are sufficient funds available in your nominated account to allow a debit payment to be made by us in accordance with the DDR. 
  • It is your responsibility to advise us if your account details have changed by giving a minimum of 7 days’ notice before a debit payment is to occur.  
  • If there are insufficient funds available to meet a debit payment, you: 
  • may be charged a fee and/or interest by your financial institution; 
  • may also incur fees or charges imposed or incurred by us; and 
  • must arrange for the debit payment to be made by another method or arrange sufficient funds to be in your account by an agreed time so that we can process the debit payment. 


  • By requesting a Direct Debit arrangement, you consent and acknowledge that you have authorised us to arrange for funds to be debited from your nominated account. You should refer to this agreement and our Terms and Conditions for the terms of the arrangement between us and you.  

Your rights/Our obligations 

  • We will only arrange for funds to be debited from your nominated account if we have sent a billing advice to your latest email address held in our records, which specifies the amount payable by you to us and when it is due. 
  • We may vary any details of this agreement at any time by giving you notice to your latest email address held in our records. The variation will not take effect until the later of 7 days after the notice or the date your next debit payment is due. After receiving notice of a variation, you may cancel this agreement at any time up to 2 days before your next debit payment is due. 
  • If the debit day falls on a day that is not a banking day, we may direct your financial institution to debit your account on the following banking day. 
  • To change, suspend, cancel, dispute or discuss your Direct Debit arrangement, please contact us at 1300 105 343 or at 
  • Alternatively, you can also change your nominated account through your online profile, known as the Parent Portal, before the next debit payment is due.  


  • We will keep any information (including your account details) in your DDR confidential and in accordance with our Privacy Policy 
  • We will make reasonable efforts to keep any such information that we have about you secure and to ensure that any of our employees or agents who have access to information about you do not make any unauthorised use, modification, reproduction or disclosure of that information. 
  • We may disclose your account and Direct Debit details at the request of your Financial Institution in the event a claim is made for an alleged incorrect or wrongful debit. 
  • We will only disclose account information to the extent specifically required by law.