Camp Australia

School Lunch Box Ideas

Bring back their appetite with new school lunch ideas for Term 1! We thought you may need a bit of inspiration as you head into the new school year.Here at Camp Australia, we’re all for healthy eating and making lunches fun and enjoyable for children. Cooking is one of the favourite activities children enjoy at […]

Top 5 Tips for Starting Term 1

It’s almost here. Summer fun and holidays are starting to phase out and the reality of heading back to school is kicking in fast for families. For some, it might be just “another” new year, but for others it would be completely new and a lot of the times, clueless. Don’t panic. You’re not alone […]

Navigating the New School Year: A Canvas of Emotions and the Artistic Palette

As the summer holidays fade, a new chapter begins for countless children -the start of a new school year. The anticipation, excitement, and inevitably a hint of anxiety fills the air. The journey ahead is a canvas waiting to be painted with experiences, challenges, and triumphs. In this exploration of the start of a school […]

Top 3 purchases for your Back to School NSW Vouchers

The Back to School NSW Vouchers program provides 3 x $50 vouchers, totalling $150 for each eligible child. There are limited eligible expenses which you can use the vouchers for, including school supplies purchased from registered businesses. But it can get quite tricky trying to allocate $150 across everything – keeping in mind that each […]

Transitioning Into a New School Year: How to Guide Your Child

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And just like that, the new school year is upon us! 2021 was a massive year, with most families experiencing lockdowns. This year will be an important year for children, no matter what year they are in. From Prep children, just starting their primary school journey, through to Year 6 children, who are looking forward to […]

Helping Your Child Transition Into High School

Entering high school from primary school is definitely one of the most exciting things for all children and parents. Concurrently, it can also be a challenging and anxious period for your child. So, what can parents do to prepare their child for high school and make them feel supported? Let’s hear from Art of Smart, who […]

5 Tips on Getting Ready to Start School

The countdown is on for families with children starting primary school this year. Classrooms across the country will soon be welcoming new students. For children starting primary school for the first time, preparation goes a long way towards helping them feel safe and settled as quickly as possible. Here are some activities you can do […]

How to Decide if After School Care is Right for You

After school care allows children to remain at school after the bell goes, and continue to receive outstanding care from highly qualified staff. It’s often provided by external providers like Camp Australia, rather than the school, and isn’t just for children whose parents are at work. Our after school care allows children to enjoy a […]