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How LEGO® Play Can Foster a Child’s Creativity

How LEGO® Play Can Foster a Child’s Creativity

The Power of Play

Play is absolutely magical for young children! A key memory of any childhood, playtime is a child’s way of exploring the world. Play is not just about fun; through play, children develop crucial skills like problem-solving, creativity, and emotional understanding.

Whether they’re building with blocks, dressing up in costumes, or running around in the park, play is the key to growth. It nurtures their imagination and teaches resilience as they learn from trying new things. Not to mention, it gives kids time and opportunities to make memories with their friends, siblings and parents.

LEGO® Blocks and Creativity

Playing with LEGO bricks is not just super fun; it’s also a fantastic way for children to fire up their creative juices. Here’s how diving into a box of LEGO bricks can spark a whole lot of creative magic:

Unleash the Imagination
While LEGO sets come with designs and themes for all ages, you can find LEGO bricks that you can just pick and build. Even with a set, you can encourage children to go beyond the design and dream up anything they can think of — from towering castles to crazy spaceships. This kind of play isn’t just entertaining; it stretches the imagination and gets those creative juices flowing.

Learn About Space and Shapes
As children fit blocks together, they’re also getting a hands-on lesson in geometry and balance. They learn about space and how different shapes fit together, which is a big deal in the world of creativity.

LEGO Blocks and Mindfulness

Playing with LEGO blocks is a surprisingly sweet way to help children practise mindfulness. While LEGO blocks might not seem like the first activity when it comes to mindfulness, building these structures can be a calming tool for the mind.

We know that it can be difficult to get children to sit still for long. But if mindfulness comes in the form of activities, they can reap the benefits of some quiet, focused time.

Focus and Attention

Building with LEGO bricks requires young ones to pay close attention to what they’re doing. Their minds and hands are fully occupied as they need to think about each piece they choose and where it should go. This kind of focused activity helps children practise concentrating on the task at hand, clearing away other distractions, much like what happens during mindful meditation.

Soothing Repetition

There’s something incredibly calming about snapping LEGO bricks together. The repetitive action of picking, placing, and pressing the bricks can be very soothing and meditative. It’s a great way for children to relax and find a quiet rhythm in their day.

Creative Flow

Getting lost in building a LEGO project can bring a child into what’s called ‘flow’ — that magical zone where time seems to stand still. This state of mind is one where they aren’t fluttering from one thought to another but are fully immersed in the moment.

A Break from the Buzz

In a world full of screens and constant stimuli, LEGO play provides a tactile, hands-on break. Kids can unplug from digital distractions and just focus on the physical act of building, which helps them stay present.

Emotional Regulation

When a LEGO build doesn’t go as planned, it offers a safe space for children to experience frustration and then practise calming themselves long enough to solve the problem. This helps them learn to manage their emotions, a crucial skill in mindfulness.

LEGO Blocks and Social Skills

Playing with LEGO blocks is a fantastic way to help children boost their social skills. When they sit down to build together with their parents, siblings or friends, they’re not just creating cool structures; they’re also learning valuable lessons in teamwork.

Sharing and Cooperation

LEGO sets often come with lots of pieces, perfect for sharing with friends and family. When children play together, they learn to share the blocks and cooperate to build bigger designs. This teaches them about taking turns and working together, which are key parts of cooperation.

Communication Skills

As they build, children chat about what they’re making and solve problems together. This back-and-forth is great for practising communication skills. They learn to express their thoughts and listen to others, which is super important in all kinds of social situations.

Conflict Resolution

Sometimes, things don’t go smoothly, and disagreements pop up. LEGO play gives children a chance to work through conflicts, like deciding who gets to use the last red brick or how to fix a toppling tower. Learning to resolve these mini conflicts helps them handle bigger ones as they grow.

Join Our Big Art Comp: Powered by LEGO Play

This term, we’ve partnered with LEGO Australia for the Big Art Comp. Help your child unleash their artistic potential with us! Find out more about Big Art Comp and book your child in to Big Art Fridays today!

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