What is OSHC?
OSHC stands for Outside School Hours Care. An OSHC service provides education and care for primary school-age children (generally 5 to 12 years) outside school hours and during holidays. At Camp Australia, we cover Before School Care (BSC), After School Care (ASC) and Vacation Care (Rocketeers).
What’s good about Your OSHC?
We also provide care on Pupil Free Days, where your child will experience a full day of varied and tailored activities whilst having fun, learning, and building confidence.
What’s involved in Your OSHC?
In every session, children will have the choice between various experiences, including sports, construction, art and craft, homework, mindfulness, and games. And during each term in Your OSHC, we also have at least one ‘feature week’ like National Science Week, National Recycling Week or Your Creative Kids Art Week and more.
What food is there at Your OSHC?
We’re also passionate about cooking, ensuring that, where possible, we try to incorporate at least 2 cooking experiences in our programs every week.
What will a typical day at Your OSHC look like?
If your child wants to do a range of varied activities in one session, we always have our ‘experiences zones’ set up, so they have the choice and the freedom to do as they want. This can be anything from board games, art and craft, construction zone, to outdoor play, performing arts and more.
Apply Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and save
For more information on Your OSHC, head to our FAQ page.
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