Camp Australia

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School Lunch Box Ideas

Bring back their appetite with new school lunch ideas for Term 1! We thought you may need a bit of inspiration as you head into the new school year.
Here at Camp Australia, we’re all for healthy eating and making lunches fun and enjoyable for children. Cooking is one of the favourite activities children enjoy at Your OSHC. They love to get hands-on and whip up a range of foods that are yummy, healthy and easy to make!
Let us share some of the most popular recipes from Your OSHC that you can try at home. They’re perfect for school lunches or morning tea!

Penne Pasta with Broccoli


1 bag of pasta 1 bunch of broccoli 2 tablespoons of Nuttlelex butter ½ teaspoon of thyme ¼ of chopped onion ¼ teaspoon of crushed garlic 2 tablespoons of olive oil Salt and pepper


  1. Cook pasta and microwave broccoli to quicken the cooking process
  2. Once broccoli has finished in the microwave, leave aside to cool
  3. Once cooled, cut broccoli into small pieces
  4. Cut onion into small pieces
  5. Place chopped onion, garlic, thyme, salt and pepper in a fry pan
  6. Stir fry until onion is cooked through
  7. Place broccoli into the pan and cook for 5 minutes with the lid on
  8. TIP: Add a little water to the pan so it doesn’t dry up contents
  9. Drain past once cooked and stir in the butter
  10. Stir in the butter

Cinnamon Scrolls


3 cups of self-rising flour 1 tablespoon of egg replacer 1 cup of cooking oil 1 cup of sugar 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 1 ½ teaspoon of baking powder Milk Cinnamon powder Icing sugar


  1. In a large bowl, place oil, sugar, vanilla extract, and baking powder and mix
  2. Then add the flour and mix well
  3. Gradually add milk until mixture forms a dough
  4. Place the dough on a well-floured surface and knead until smooth
  5. Roll the dough out flat to a thickness of 1cm then sprinkle cinnamon all over the dough
  6. Roll the dough with the cinnamon side inside, so it looks like a long sausage
  7. Cut the dough into 3 inches wide and place on lined baking trays and press down a little
  8. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C
  9. Place into a pre-heated oven and bake for 30 minutes or until the middle is firm
  10. For the last 8 minutes, turn the oven heat to 200°C
  11. Leave cinnamon scrolls to cool
  12. Once you have your icing, place on top of the cinnamon scrolls
  13. TIP: Add coloured food dye to the icing mix to make it unique (perfect for themed parties)

Spaghetti & Baked Bean Bites (serves 12)


Pita bread (or sandwich bread with no crust) Tin of reduced salt spaghetti and/or baked beans


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C
  2. Put the bread squares into a muffin tray
  3. Bake for 10 minutes or when they are golden brown
  4. Remove from tray
  5. Put a spoonful of spaghetti or baked bean into each bread mold

Singapore Style Noodles (serves 15)


6 cakes of rice vermicelli noodles 2 cups of diced vegetables 1 tin of beans (chick peas or kidney beans) 1 tin of corn 75g of honey ½ teaspoon of ground coriander ½ teaspoon of ground cumin ½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon 1 tin of tomatoes (optional)


  1. Cook vermicelli noodles following the packet directions
  2. Cook diced vegetables in a small amount of vegetable oil until soft
  3. Drain water from noodles and add vegetables, spices and honey to taste
  4. Mix well and enjoy!

We hope you and your children enjoy making these tummy recipes. For some more ideas, try these healthy snack ideas too!

If your child is getting ready to start school check out our top tips to help with the transition.

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