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Take it Away – How to Make the Best Food Choice

It’s Friday night and the week has come to an end. The sheer thought of cooking dinner is rather overwhelming, am I right?

Considering fast or take-away food when motivation to cook is low and fatigue high, is not uncommon for many parents.

If take-away meals are not eaten very often, the impact on your and your children’s health is likely to be minimal. However, if your household and therefore, your children are eating this type of food regularly, this means there will be significant extra fat, sugar and salt being consumed.

Swinging by a take-away food outlet can be the ultimate double-edged sword. Buying food that you don’t have to prepare can be appealing but when standing in front of the menu or looking at the options on a device, it can be very hard to make a healthy choice. A choice that doesn’t supply enough energy for a small country and one that is not laden with saturated fat, salt and sugar. Let’s take a look at some possible choices and healthier swaps.

This handy Take-away Food Choice Guide is a great resource when wanting nutritious and tasty meals when you’re away from home.

Some healthier fast foods that you can prepare at home and are better for the budget include:

  • Homemade pizza using English muffins, pita bread or crumpets as the base. Top with lean ham and pineapple or tuna and tomato or whatever combo your children love.
  • Grilled fish with homemade potato wedges
  • Homemade burgers with a beef patty, cheese and plenty of salad
  • Small portion of stir-fried meat/chicken and vegetables with egg noodles or steamed rice
  • Store-bought BBQ chicken (skin removed) with homemade potato wedges, cherry tomatoes and cucumber sticks


If you’re looking for some extra inspiration, be sure to download these recipes.

The weekend is perfect for spending time in the kitchen – an opportunity to enter The Experimental Cookbook competition.

Julie Meek is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and understands that life is busy for most families. Julie has been in the peak performance industry for over 20 years, guiding athletes with how to maintain their health. As an author of two books, ‘truth, lies and chocolate’ and ‘Ready, set, go…’ and a regular presenter on Our State on a Plate on Channel 9 and the radio, Julie has a wealth of knowledge to share with parents so that they are greater informed when it comes to nourishing their family with nutritious food.

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